10 Awesome Things Said by Siri
The highly touted feature on the new iPhone of course is Siri. And while it's just a matter of time before it becomes self aware and only responds by saying "Have you seen this boy?", it's a pretty great feature! It also allows you to mess with it, to see what kind of answers it gives. These weird responses are being collected on the blog "Shit That Siri Says." You can find more there: http://shitthatsirisays.tumblr.com. Also here: http://thisismynext.com/2011/10/12/siri-weird-things-iphone-4s/. Definitely click on those for more.
Submitted by: Serving Singles
Keywords: siri shit my siri says shit siri says funny siri pictures funny siri siri weird siri questions apple iphone 4s
Views: 1,690,793
10 Awesome Things Said by Siri